Monday, April 12, 2021

Physics - Electromotive Force - University Of Birmingham

23.5 ELECTRIC GENERATORS 31. What is the peak emf generated by a 0.250 m radius, 500-­‐turn coil is rotated one-­‐ fourth of a revolution in 4.17 ms, originally having its plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field.Yaa emf is voltage of a battery or any other electricity emittion object it means electro motive force a force whick helps to keep charge motile or moving its one What is the difference between flux in core and the induced EMF? What are the terms potential difference, EMF, terminal voltage, and voltage...Motor and generator windings - iron core electromagnets on the rotor or stator of electric motors and generators which act on each other to either turn the Inductors or reactors are coils which generate a magnetic field which interacts with the coil itself, to induce a back EMF which opposes changes in...What is the peak power consumption of a 120-V AC microwave oven that draws 10.0 A? View Answer. Valley Power Company uses natural gas to create steam to spin turbines to generate What criteria have been suggested to determine whether an internally generated intangible asset can be capitalized?Electric generators induce an emf by rotating a coil in a magnetic field, as briefly discussed in Motional Emf. What is the emf at any given instant? It varies with the angle between the magnetic field and a This is the emf induced in a generator coil of N turns and area A rotating at a constant angular...

Is EMF a voltage? - Quora

The coil of a generator has a radius of 0.190 m. When this coil is unwound, the wire from which it is made has a length of 5.94 m. The magnetic field of the generator is 0.226 T, and the coil rotates at an angular What is the peak emf of this generator? So the maximum voltage induced is 3.07 the peak emf produced by the generator, and is the number of complete rotations the coils executes per second. It can be seen that the variation of the emf with time is sinusoidal in nature. The emf attains its peak values when the plane of the coil is parallel to the plane of the magnetic field......generated (in V) by rotating a 1000 turn, 42.0 cm diameter coil in the Earth's 5.00 ✕ 10−5 T magnetic field, given the plane of the coil is Change in magnetic field, B = 5 x 10^-5 T. The peak value of emf is given by. A spinning turbine can generate electricity only in the form of a/an _ current.Rank the magnitudes of the emf generated in the loop at the five instants indicated, from largest to smallest. Because the current induced in the solenoid is clockwise when viewed from above, the magnetic field lines produced by this current point downward in the Figure.

Is EMF a voltage? - Quora

Electromagnetic coil - Wikipedia

Electronics Tutorial about the Inductance of a Coil, its Self Inductance and the Inductance of a Coil with different Cores. Inductors do this by generating a self-induced emf within itself as a result of their changing magnetic field. In an electrical circuit, when the emf is induced in the same circuit in which...23 - Verify that the units /t are volts. That is, show... 23 - Calculate the peak voltage of a generator that... 23 - (a) If the emf of a coil rotating in a magnetic...If two conductors (A and B), separated by a distance R, are parallel for a length ℓ and conductor B has an AC current flowing through it (I), what would be the equation to calculate the EMF (voltage) induced in conductor A between points 1 and 2. But, what is the inductance of a wire...emf generated by rotating a 1000-turn, 20.0 cm diameter coil in the Earth's 5.00×10−5 T magnetic field, given the plane of the coil is originally perpendicular to the Earth's field Here, is the diameter of the coil. Comment(0). Chapter , Problem is solved. View this answer. View a sample solution.Select the Pickup Coil tab, and place the bar magnet inside the coil containing two loops. Try to find a location where the stationary magnet induces a current in the coil and What is the magnitude E of the motional emf induced in the rod? Express your answer in volts to at least three significant digits.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this phase, you will be able to:

Calculate the emf precipitated in a generator. Calculate the peak emf which can be brought about in a selected generator machine. Electric generators induce an emf by rotating a coil in a magnetic field, as in brief discussed in Induced Emf and Magnetic Flux. We will now discover turbines in more element. Consider the following example. Example 1. Calculating the Emf Induced in a Generator Coil

The generator coil proven in Figure 1 is circled through one-fourth of a revolution (from θ = 0º to θ = 90º ) in 15.Zero ms. The 200-turn circular coil has a 5.00 cm radius and is in a uniform 1.25 T magnetic box. What is the average emf prompted?

Figure 1. When this generator coil is circled through one-fourth of a revolution, the magnetic flux Φ changes from its maximum to 0, inducing an emf.


We use Faraday's regulation of induction to seek out the average emf caused over a time Δt:

[latex]\textual contentemf=-N\frac\Delta\Phi\Delta t\[/latex].

We know that N = 200 and Δt = 15.0 ms, and so we will have to decide the alternate in flux ΔΦ to seek out emf.


Since the area of the loop and the magnetic field power are constant, we see that

[latex]\Delta\Phi =\Delta\left(BA\cos\theta\right)=AB\Delta\left(\cos\theta \proper)\[/latex].

Now, Δ (cos θ) = −1.0, since it was once for the reason that θ is going from 0º to 90º . Thus ΔΦ = −AB, and

[latex]\textual contentemf=N\fracAB\Delta t\[/latex].

The area of the loop is A = πr2 = (3.14…)(0.0500m)2 = 7.85 × 10−3 m2. Entering this price provides

[latex]\textual contentemf=200\frac\left(7.85\occasions 10^-3\text m^2\right)\left(1.25\text T\right)15.0\instances 10^-3\textual content s=131\text V\[/latex].


This is a realistic reasonable worth, very similar to the A hundred and twenty V used in household energy.

The emf calculated in Example 1 above is the moderate over one-fourth of a revolution. What is the emf at any given instant? It varies with the angle between the magnetic box and a perpendicular to the coil. We can get an expression for emf as a serve as of time by taking into account the motional emf on a rotating oblong coil of width w and peak ℓ in a uniform magnetic field, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Figure 2. A generator with a single rectangular coil rotated at consistent angular pace in a uniform magnetic field produces an emf that varies sinusoidally in time. Note the generator is very similar to a motor, apart from the shaft is rotated to provide a present slightly than the wrong way around.

Charges in the wires of the loop revel in the magnetic force, because they're transferring in a magnetic box. Charges in the vertical wires experience forces parallel to the wire, causing currents. But those in the best and bottom segments feel a force perpendicular to the wire, which doesn't motive a present. We can thus to find the caused emf by considering only the side wires. Motional emf is given to be emf = Bℓv, where the velocity v is perpendicular to the magnetic field B. Here the velocity is at an attitude θ with B, so that its part perpendicular to B is v sin θ (see Figure 2). Thus in this case the emf prompted on every side is emf = Bℓv sin θ, and they are in the identical path. The general emf round the loop is then

[latex]\textual contentemf=2B\ell v\sin\theta\[/latex].

This expression is valid, but it surely does not give emf as a function of time. To to find the time dependence of emf, we assume the coil rotates at a constant angular velocity ω. The perspective θ is associated with angular speed by θ = ωt, in order that

[latex]\textual contentemf=2B\ell v\sin\omega t\[/latex].

Now, linear pace v is related to angular speed ω by v = rω. Here r = w/2, so that v = (w/2)ω, and

[latex]\textual contentemf=2 B\ell \fracw2\omega\sin\omega t=\left(\ell w\right)B\omega\sin\omega t\[/latex].

Noting that the area of the loop is A = ℓw, and allowing for N loops, we find that

[latex]\textual contentemf=NAB\omega\sin\omega t\[/latex]

is the emf brought about in a generator coil of N turns and house A rotating at a continuing angular pace ω in a uniform magnetic field B. This can also be expressed as

[latex]\textual contentemf=\textemf_0\sin\omega t\[/latex],



is the most (peak) emf. Note that the frequency of the oscillation is f = ω/2π, and the duration is T = 1/f = 2π/ω. Figure 3 presentations a graph of emf as a function of time, and it now turns out affordable that AC voltage is sinusoidal.

Figure 3. The emf of a generator is sent to a mild bulb with the system of rings and brushes shown. The graph offers the emf of the generator as a function of time. emf0 is the peak emf. The length is T = 1/f = 2π/ω, the place f is the frequency. Note that the script E stands for emf.

The incontrovertible fact that the peak emf, emf0 = NABω, makes excellent sense. The greater the number of coils, the greater their house, and the stronger the box, the higher the output voltage. It is attention-grabbing that the faster the generator is spun (higher ω), the better the emf. This is noticeable on bicycle turbines—a minimum of the inexpensive varieties. One of the authors as a juvenile discovered it fun to journey his bicycle fast enough to burn out his lighting fixtures, until he needed to ride home lightless one dark night time. Figure 4 presentations a scheme by which a generator will also be made to supply pulsed DC. More elaborate arrangements of multiple coils and break up rings can produce smoother DC, despite the fact that digital relatively than mechanical manner are generally used to make ripple-free DC.

Figure 4. Split rings, called commutators, produce a pulsed DC emf output in this configuration.

Example 2. Calculating the Maximum Emf of a Generator

Calculate the most emf, emf0, of the generator that was the matter of Example 1.


Once ω, the angular velocity, is decided, emf0 = NABω can be utilized to seek out emf0. All other amounts are known.


Angular speed is outlined to be the change in angle consistent with unit time:

[latex]\omega =\frac\Delta\theta \Delta t\[/latex].

One-fourth of a revolution is π/2 radians, and the time is 0.0150 s; thus,

[latex]\beginarraylll\omega & =& \frac\pi /2\text rad0.0150 \text s\ & =& 104.7\textual content rad/s\finisharray\[/latex].

104.7 rad/s is exactly A thousand rpm. We exchange this value for ω and the knowledge from the previous instance into emf0 = NABω, yielding

[latex]\startarraylll\textemf_0& =& NAB\omega \ & =& 200\left(7.85\times 10^-3\textual content m^2\proper)\left(1.25\textual content T\right)\left(104.7 \textual content rad/s\right)\ & =& 206\textual content V\endarray\[/latex].


The maximum emf is more than the moderate emf of 131 V discovered in the earlier instance, accurately.

In actual existence, electric generators look a lot other than the figures in this segment, but the principles are the identical. The source of mechanical power that turns the coil can also be falling water (hydropower), steam produced by the burning of fossil fuels, or the kinetic power of wind. Figure 5 displays a cutaway view of a steam turbine; steam strikes over the blades hooked up to the shaft, which rotates the coil inside of the generator.

Figure 5. Steam turbine/generator. The steam produced by burning coal affects the turbine blades, turning the shaft which is hooked up to the generator. (credit: Nabonaco, Wikimedia Commons)

Generators illustrated in this phase glance very just like the motors illustrated up to now. This is no longer coincidental. In fact, a motor becomes a generator when its shaft rotates. Certain early cars used their starter motor as a generator. In Back Emf, we will additional explore the action of a motor as a generator.

Section Summary

An electric generator rotates a coil in a magnetic field, inducing an emf given as a serve as of time by [latex]\textemf=2B\ell v\sin\omega t\[/latex],

where A is the area of an N-turn coil circled at a constant angular pace ω in a uniform magnetic box B.

The peak emf emf0 of a generator is emf0 = NABω Conceptual Questions Using RHR-1, display that the emfs in the facets of the generator loop in Figure 4 are in the similar sense and thus add. The supply of a generator's electrical power output is the work accomplished to show its coils. How is the paintings needed to flip the generator related to Lenz's law? Problems & Exercises

1. Calculate the peak voltage of a generator that rotates its 200-turn, 0.100 m diameter coil at 3600 rpm in a 0.800 T field.

2. At what angular speed in rpm will the peak voltage of a generator be 480 V, if its 500-turn, 8.00 cm diameter coil rotates in a 0.250 T field?

3. What is the peak emf generated by rotating a 1000-turn, 20.0 cm diameter coil in the Earth's 5.00 × 10−5 T magnetic box, given the airplane of the coil is initially perpendicular to the Earth's field and is turned around to be parallel to the box in 10.Zero ms?

4. What is the peak emf generated by a nil.250 m radius, 500-turn coil is circled one-fourth of a revolution in 4.17 ms, at first having its aircraft perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field. (This is 60 rev/s.)

5. (a) A bicycle generator rotates at 1875 rad/s, producing an 18.0 V peak emf. It has a 1.00 by 3.00 cm rectangular coil in a 0.640 T field. How many turns are in the coil? (b) Is this choice of turns of wire sensible for a 1.00 by 3.00 cm coil?

6. Integrated Concepts This drawback refers to the bicycle generator thought to be in the earlier drawback. It is pushed by a 1.60 cm diameter wheel that rolls on the outdoor rim of the bicycle tire. (a) What is the velocity of the bicycle if the generator's angular speed is 1875 rad/s? (b) What is the maximum emf of the generator when the bicycle moves at 10.0 m/s, noting that it used to be 18.Zero V below the original prerequisites? (c) If the subtle generator can vary its personal magnetic field, what field energy will it need at 5.00 m/s to supply a 9.00 V most emf?

7. (a) A automotive generator turns at four hundred rpm when the engine is idling. Its 300-turn, 5.00 by 8.00 cm rectangular coil rotates in an adjustable magnetic box in order that it may produce sufficient voltage even at low rpms. What is the field energy needed to produce a 24.Zero V peak emf? (b) Discuss how this required box energy compares to these to be had in everlasting and electromagnets.

8. Show that if a coil rotates at an angular velocity ω, the length of its AC output is 2π/ω.

9. A 75-turn, 10.Zero cm diameter coil rotates at an angular speed of 8.00 rad/s in a 1.25 T box, starting with the aircraft of the coil parallel to the field. (a) What is the peak emf? (b) At what time is the peak emf first reached? (c) At what time is the emf first at its most detrimental? (d) What is the length of the AC voltage output?

10. (a) If the emf of a coil rotating in a magnetic field is zero at t = 0, and increases to its first peak at t = 0.100 ms, what is the angular velocity of the coil? (b) At what time will its next most happen? (c) What is the duration of the output? (d) When is the output first one-fourth of its most? (e) When is it next one-fourth of its maximum?

11. Unreasonable Results A 500-turn coil with a nil.250 m2 area is spun in the Earth's 5.00 × 10−5 T field, generating a 12.0 kV maximum emf. (a) At what angular speed must the coil be spun? (b) What is unreasonable about this consequence? (c) Which assumption or premise is responsible?


electrical generator: a device for converting mechanical work into electric energy; it induces an emf by rotating a coil in a magnetic field emf caused in a generator coil: emf = NABω sin ωt, where A is the house of an N-turn coil rotated at a constant angular velocity ω in a uniform magnetic field B, over a time period t peak emf: emf0 = NABω Selected Solutions to Problems & Exercises

1. 474 V

3. 0.247 V

5. (a) 50 (b) yes

7. (a) 0.477 T (b) This box energy is sufficiently small that it may be got the usage of either an everlasting magnet or an electromagnet.

9. (a) 5.89 V (b) At t = 0 (c) 0.393 s (d) 0.785 s

11. (a) 1.92 × 106 rad/s (b) This angular velocity is unreasonably prime, higher than can also be got for any mechanical gadget. (c) The assumption that a voltage as great as 12.Zero kV may well be got is unreasonable.

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