Sunday, May 9, 2021

Rex - The Latin Dictionary

The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the king, in latin crossword clue. The Crossword Solver finds answers to American-style crosswords, British-style crosswords, general knowledge crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues.The Latin Kings are a violent criminal enterprise comprised of thousands of members across the United States. As alleged in court documents, the gang uses drug distribution to generate revenueOn this page you will find the solution to King in Latin crossword clue crossword clue. This clue was last seen on February 19 2019 on New York Times's Crossword. If you have any other question or need extra help, please feel free to contact us or use the search box/calendar for any clue.The Latin title rex has the meaning of "king, ruler" (monarch). It is derived from Proto-Indo-European *h₃rḗǵs. Its cognates include Sanskrit rājan, Gothic reiks, and Old Irish rí, etc. Its Greek equivalent is archon (ἄρχων), "leader, ruler, chieftain". The chief magistrate of the Roman Kingdom was titled Rex Romae (King ofPlease find below all the King in Latin crossword clue answers and solutions for the Thomas Joseph Crossword May 3 2021 Answers. In case something is wrong or missing kindly let me know and I will be more than happy to help you out with the right solution for each of the Thomas Joseph crossword puzzle clues.

Former leader of Lowell's Latin King's pleads guilty in

Contextual translation of "christ the king" into Latin. Human translations with examples: hodie, rex dei, ave rex, viva rex, carperegem, vive diu rex, viva diu rex.Here is the answer for: King in Latin crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on Thomas Joseph Crossword January 16 2021 Answers. The best part about Thomas Joseph Crossword is that the information that you are tested about is all updated and related to daily events.Contextual translation of "daughter of the king" into Latin. Human translations with examples: filiam, rex dei, ave rex, carperegem, lux animae, puer lunae, filia regis.The standard term is rēx, even though it was contemptuously used by the Romans to describe foreign rulers. The Romans themselves did not have a good experience with monarchy at the start of their history, so the term was highly stigmatized. That i...

Former leader of Lowell's Latin King's pleads guilty in

King in Latin crossword clue - New York Times Crossword

"Rex" is a Latin equivalent of "king."The Latin word is a masculine noun. Latin has no definite articles ("the"). But the singular indefinite article would be "unus" ("a, one").The pronunciationThe Chinook salmon / ʃ ɪ ˈ n ʊ k / (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is the largest species of Pacific salmon as well as the largest in the genus Oncorhynchus.Its common name is derived from the Chinookan peoples.Other vernacular names for the species include king salmon, Quinnat salmon, spring salmon, chrome hog, Blackmouth, and Tyee salmon.The scientific species name is based on the RussianFor over 69 years Tursi's Latin King Restaurant has stood as a hallmark of quality traditional Italian dining in Des Moines. Considered an "East-side institution," Tursi's Latin King delivers an authentic piece of Italy in the heart of the Midwest. Learn more about Tursi's Latin King (515) 266-4466.While in China the most-loved game is The King of Fighters '97, and in Mexico and the rest of Latin America it's The King of Fighters '02, it all comes back to the fighting game series thatSUBSCRIBE FOR MORE MUSIC FROM THE STREETS!RIVAL KING

Again, Anawrahta was now not the king.

Anscharius Lafontaine ei praeses successit.


Only Kings can fill empty spaces in the Tableau.

Res gestae suae in Libris Ezechielis reperri potest.


You had long past to Italy to see the king's son.

In Italiam ieratis ut regis filium videretis.


"Morocco's King Mohammed VI names new prime minister", Africanews, 17 March 2017.

"Morocco's King Mohammed VI names new prime minister" (17 Martii 2017) apud Primi ministri Maroci Ministri rerum externarum Marocenses


713 BC — Numa Pompilius, King of Rome, reforms the Roman calendar, introducing January and February and including 5 days to the calendar.

Circa annum 40 a.U.c., Numa Pompilius, rex Romanus, menses Ianuarii et Februarii ad calendarium addidit, ut annus 355 dies habuisset.


He acts like he is a king.

Ille se gerit, quasi rex take a seat.


Unto us a kid is born! The King of all cration, got here he to a world forlorn, the Lord of each and every country.

Puer nobis nascitur, Rector angelorum, In hoc mundo pascitur Dominus dominorum.

4. Moved by way of those great evils, we idea it our responsibility, at the very outset of our Supreme Pontificate, to recall the ultimate words of our Predecessor of illustrious and holy memory, and via repeating them all over again to start our own Apostolic Ministry; and we implored Kings and rulers to consider the floods of tears and of blood already poured out, and to hasten to restore to the international locations the blessings of peace.

Hisce Nos tam extremis rebus permoti, in primo tamquam limina Pontificatus maximi, Nostrarum partium esse duximus, suprema illa Decessoris Nostri, praeclarae sanctissimaeque memoriae Pontificis, revocare verba, iisque iterandis, Apostolicum officium auspicari; vehementerque eos, qui res regunt veb gubernant publicas, obsecravimus, ut, respicientes quantum effusum iam esset lacrimarum et sanguinis, alma pacis munera reddere populis maturarunt.

The king granted freedom to the prisoners.

Rex libertatem captivis concessit.


But Germanicus also bestowed attention on different wonders. Chief of those were the stone image of Memnon, which, when struck via the sun's rays, gives out the sound of a human voice; the pyramids, rising up like mountains amid virtually impassable wastes of transferring sand, raised through the emulation and vast wealth of kings; the lake hollowed out of the earth to be a receptacle for the Nile's overflow; and somewhere else the river's slender channel and profound intensity which no line of the explorer can penetrate.

Ceterum Germanicus aliis quoque miraculis intendit animum, quorum praecipua fuere Memnonis saxca effigies, ubi radiis solis icta est, vocalem sonum reddens, disiectasque inter et vix pervias arenas instar montium eductae pyramides certamine et opibus regum, lacusque effossa humo, superfluentis Nili receptacula; atque alibi angustiae et profunda altitudo, nullis inquirentium spatiis penetrabilis.


The eagle is king of birds.

Aquila regina avium est.


Under King Djoser, the first king of the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, the royal capital of Egypt used to be moved to Memphis, where Djoser established his courtroom.

Sub Tosorthro, primo tertiae domus Regni Veteris rege, regale Aegypti caput advert Memphidem motum est, ubi Tosorthros suum comitatum constituit.


A king might simply make himself neither a father nor a king.

Rex facilè possit, ut neque pater sit down, neque rex.


"Meanwhile, in the beginning of spring, Parthian envoys brought a message from king Vologeses, with a letter to the same effect. ""He did not,"" it was said, ""repeat his former and frequent claims to the holding of Armenia, since the gods who ruled the destinies of the most powerful nations, had handed over its possession to the Parthians, not without disgrace to Rome."

Inter quae veris principio legati Parthorum mandata regis Vologaesis litterasque in eandem formam attulere: se priora et totiens iactata super obtineneda Armenia nunc omittere, quoniam dii, quamvis potentium populorum arbitri, possessionem Parthis non sine ignominia Romana tradidissent.


A brand new facet to the grace and dignity coming from Baptism is right here offered: the lay devoted take part, for his or her section, in the threefold mission of Christ as Priest, Prophet and King.

Haec est sane nova gratiae et dignitatis baptismatis nota: christifideles laici, ex parte sua, participes efficiuntur triplicis muneris sacerdotalis, prophetici et regalis Iesu Christi.

"When he was set before the emperor's tribunal, he spoke as follows: ""Had my moderation in prosperity been equal to my noble birth and fortune, I should have entered this city as your friend rather than as your captive; and you would not have disdained to receive, under a treaty of peace, a king descended from illustrious ancestors and ruling many nations."

'Si quanta nobilitas et fortuna mihi fuit, tanta rerum prosperarum moderatio fuisset, amicus potius in hanc urbem quam captus venissem, neque dedignatus esses claris maioribus ortum, plurimis gentibus imperitantem foedere [in] pacem accipere.


We have been kings.

Reges eramus.


But the heavenly King calls for that we pray "the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

Verum caelestis Rex impensas a nobis preces postulat, ut ipse dominus messis mittat operarios in messem suam (95).

In the intervening time there arose a brand new king over Egypt, that knew now not Joseph. And he mentioned to his folks: Behold the folks of the children of Israel are a lot of and more potent than we. Come allow us to correctly oppress them, lest they multiply: and if any warfare shall rise against us, join with our enemies, and having triumph over us, go away out of the land.

Surrexit interea rex novus tremendous Aegyptum, qui ignorabat Ioseph; et ait ad populum suum: Ecce, populus filiorum Israel multus et fortior nobis est; venite, prudenter agamus cum eo, ne area of expertise multiplicetur et, si ingruerit contra nos bellum, addatur inimicis nostris, expugnatisque nobis, egrediatur de terra.


He spoke back unhesitatingly, "Thou sayest that I am a king" (John xviii.

sine ulla dubitatione respondit: tu dicis quia rex sum ego (Ioan.

A noble resolution, in which Tiberius sought to liken himself to those generals of old who had forbidden and even denounced the poisoning of king Pyrrhus.

qua gloria aequabat se Tiberius priscis imperatoribus qui venenum in Pyrrum regem vetuerant prodiderantque.


At this same time the Clitae, a tribe topic to the Cappadocian Archelaus, retreated to the heights of Mount Taurus, because they have been pressured in Roman style to render an account of their revenue and post to tribute. There they defended themselves by means of the nature of the country in opposition to the king's unwarlike troops, till Marcus Trebellius, whom Vitellius, the governor of Syria, despatched as his lieutenant with four thousand legionaries and some picked auxiliaries, surrounded together with his strains two hills occupied by the barbarians, the lesser of which was once named Cadra, the other Davara.

Per idem tempus Clitarum natio Cappadoci Archelao subiecta, quia nostrum in modum deferre census, pati tributa adigebatur, in iuga Tauri montis abscessit locorumque ingenio sese contra imbellis regis copias tutabatur, donec M. Trebellius legatus, a Vitellio praeside Syriae cum quattuor milibus legionariorum et delectis auxiliis missus, duos collis quos barbari insederant (minori Cadra, alteri Davara nomen est) operibus circumdedit et erumpere ausos ferro, ceteros siti ad deditionem coegit.


"Would that your king AEneas here could stand, / driven by the gale that drove you to this strand! / Natheless, to scour the country, will I send / some trusty messengers, with strict command / to search through Libya to the furthest end, / lest, cast ashore, through town or lonely wood he wend."

"Atque utinam rex ipse Noto compulsus eodem / afforet Aeneas! Equidem per litora certos / dimittam et Libyae lustrare extrema jubebo, / si quibus ejectus silvis aut urbibus errat".


The battle was sharp and various, for the thirty-sixth legion falling upon the king's cavalry, that used to be drawn up with out the trench, charged them so effectively, that they drove them to the very walls of the town, passed the ditch, and attacked their infantry in the rear.

Nam XXXVI legio, cum extra fossam in equites regis impetum fecisset, adeo secundum proelium fecit ut moenibus oppidi succederet fossamque transiret aversosque hostis aggrederetur.


The holy king David, praising God for the sunshine of truth with which He had illumined the intellect, exclaimed: "The light of Thy countenance, O Lord, is signed upon us."[

Sanctus rex David, quum Deum de veritatis lumine laudaret, quod menti hominum indidisset: Signatum est, aiebat, tremendous nos lumen vultus tui, Domine (Ps.

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