The molecular level Different species share genetic homologies as well as anatomical ones. Roundworms, for example, share 25% of their genes with humans. These genes are slightly different in each species, but their striking similarites nevertheless reveal their common ancestry.Is homology due to common descent or common design? Is descent with modification overwhelmingly obvious? The answer: "Homology can't be used as evidence for evolution because it assumes the very thing it's trying to prove." In other words, Homology therefore evolution, evolution therefore...Homology is defined as the similarity between organic structures in different animals that arises as a result of their evolution from a common ancestor. Such structures are called homologous structures, and they are explained with the help of examples in this BiologyWise post.homology is evidence of ___. a.common ancestry b. stasis c. convergent evolution d. punctuated evolution. People who are replying "convergent evolution" are confused about the word "homology". Homologous features are two features shared by different species, that have the same basic...Better question: Why are homologies stronger evidence for evolution than common design? Short answer: Evolution (descent with modification) actively Homology is only one of the many lines of evidence that lead us to the conclusion that the theory of evolution is a mostly correct description of...
Is Homology Evidence for Evolution? | Discovery Institute
Is this evidence of evolution? Take a close look at this gorilla hand. The similarities to a human hand are remarkable. Comparative anatomy is the study of the similarities and differences in the structures of different species. Similar body parts may be homologies or analogies.That evidence is homologous. Shared common ancestry. In this case you could trace this homology back as far as the common ancestor of gorillas and hominid fossils, or as Darwin's primary evidence for evolution by natural selection was morphological homology; physical similarities between species.In homology, the homologous structures did, in fact, evolve from a recent common ancestor. Organisms with homologous structures are more closely An example of homology is the tailbone in humans with the tails of cats and dogs. While our coccyx or tailbone has become a vestigial structure...Anatomically homologous organisms have similar bodies or body parts in common. Being homologous does not mean that these structures perform the same way. Another interesting aspect of anatomical homology is the concept of vestigial structures.

Examples of Homologous Structures That Reveal Our... - Biology Wise
Transcript Evidence of Evolution: Homology Film: There is the front flipper, a hand built on the same model as my own hand. The real question about homology is how do we explain it? Berlinski: There are plenty of examples of homological structures in biology, which are obviously not based on...TOPIC: EVOLUTION 3. Explain why Lamarck's theory of evolution is not accepted by biologists today 4. State three pieces of evidence that support the t. write concise DIALOGUEs detailing the life and times of Charles Darwin ( FAMOUS PEOPLE IN EVOLUTION THEORY of biology ) .▶Homology is evidence of? ➙ Convergent evolution. _ Thanks...✊.Abstract Homology is a fundamental concept in compar-ative and evolutionary biology and yet often the focus of antievolution challenges. Curr Anthropol. 2008;49(2):291-306. Bergman J. Does homology provide evidence of evolutionary naturalism?In biology, homology is similarity due to shared ancestry between a pair of structures or genes in different taxa. A common example of homologous structures is the forelimbs of vertebrates...
a. Common ancestry.
People who're replying "convergent evolution" are confused concerning the phrase "homology". Homologous options are two features shared via different species, that have the same elementary structure, but different function ... e.g. a bat's wing and the human hand ... identical bone construction, radically other serve as. That is evidence of *commonplace ancestry* because it signifies a not unusual structure that has been adapted through the years for 2 different existence.
A bat's wing and a fowl's wing are NOT examples of homologous options as a result of they've other structure however the similar serve as. (I.e. the bone structure of a bat's and a fowl's wings is other, but they are each used for a similar serve as of flying). This is an instance of *analogous* features ... and is evidence of convergent evolution (evolution of the same function by means of two radically different paths).
So it is a. Common ancestry.
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